Thursday, June 9, 2011

Raspberry Rhubarb Cupcakes

 As I opened my freezer in hopes of finding inspiration for some sweet treat to bring to a friends gathering, I once again found myself captivated by the gigantic bag of chopped rhubarb. Several acquaintances and friends have threatened to give me more soon so they can keep this "weed" from over throwing their landscaping, so I thought it was wise to use it up fast. I just so happen to truly love rhubarb, so trying to come up with something to make was a welcome challenge. I settled on making Raspberry Rhubarb Cupcakes with a delicious vegan buttercream  frosting, and they were a huge hit!

 Vegan Raspberry Rhubarb Cupcakes:
-3 1/2 cups  flour ( I used  Bob's Red Mill   whole wheat pastry flour and it tastes awesome without giving it a super wheaty texture)
-1 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 cup canola oil
-2 cups water
- 1 cup diced rhubarb
-1/3 cup raspberries
- 1 t. raspberry flavor
- 1 T. plus 1 t. apple cider vinegar
-1 t. salt
-2 t. baking soda
- 1 t. cinnamon
-1 t. ground ginger
Whisk dry ingredients except vinegar in a mixing bowl, then mix sugar and remaining wet ingredients in another bowl. Combine wet and dry, and whisk in apple cider vinegar. Fold in berries and rhubarb, and spoon batter into cupcake pan. I use an ice-cream scoop for this and it ensures the same sized dollops are administered. Bake in an oven preheated to 325 degrees for 25 minutes, poke with a toothpick to see if done at that point, depending on your oven.
 -3 cups sifted powdered sugar
- 1 vegan buttery stick ( or butter if you don't mind the dairy)
- 1 1/2 cup vegetable shortening ( or any kind of shortening again if you don't mind the dairy)
- 3 fresh raspberries
- 1/4 cup soy milk or less ( or heavy cream, etc.)
- 1 t. vanilla
Directions: in a standing mixer or with an electric hand mixer, combine powdered sugar, buttery sticks and shortening, and  whip until starts to form a large ball. SLOWLY add the milk until it reaches a nice smooth texture. You may not need to use the full amount, so go slow, because it's much easier to fix too little than too much liquid. At the end, add the vanilla and the three raspberries, they will give it  a nice pink tint. Once the cupcakes have cooled, frost them using a piping bag, spoon or butter knife, whatever utensil suits your fancy.  I garnished these with some huge luscious raspberries.
Wallah!! Not one single person knew that they were vegan, and when I told them, they didn't believe it. They were sweet and tangy, and looked lovely on the table next to the various dips and salads at the potlluck.Why vegan you ask? Now, I am a meat eater once in a while, but while I am  a passionate lover and purveyor of baked goods, I am also a health nut, and strive to make everything I bake as clean and healthy as possible. Baking vegan makes them cholesterol free, and many vegan ingredients like the vegetable shortening are spare of the hydrogenated oils and other nastiness that lurks in some brands. They are often lower in sodium and fat too. Buttery sticks can be found in most health food sections of all grocery stores, and they're really good, and not one molecule away from plastic like Fabio's brand of choice.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh these look amazing - and I don't even generally like cupcakes!
